Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Ok, this part really is over. The spacers are gone and the new ones are in. Don't know what they are like yet. Still bandaged of course and pretty damn compressed. Youch. Surgery, after the falling to sleep part. Evidently I had a fucked up allergic reaction to the antibiotics. My skin is still crawling. I went from normal to hives head to toe in about 10 min. Then I was out cold. Woke muzzy but good. Got to come home. Me and sleep are not friends just not. I am a side sleeper and have to sleep on my back at about 35-45 degrees for a month or so. (Hopefully not the whole 3 months) The 3 months will be in a bra 24/7 moving and shaping. Then the nip tattoo (which I have no nerves to feel....so no prob.) I have a lot to think about in the next three months or so. I have been traveling toward better and better health, so getting hit with cancer was a shocker. I don't much like surprises. So diligent for the next 3-5 years with Dr. Cutie Jew, Dr. Paul. (Yes, I call him that to his face. He is soooooo cute) I want to write a huge assed letter to all of you who have been so freaking supportive....and I will, but for now maybe a nap in the chair.

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