Thursday, October 18, 2012

Diagnosis Part 2

I have Grade One Stage One Invasive Ductile Carcinoma that is Estrogen receptor positive.

So.  MRI on Friday (Tomorrow), Surgery next week.  (Hopefully).  I am in a research study for a one shot Radiation treatment during my lumpectomy.  They will also be doing a touch prep gross evaluation while I am asleep.

Hopefully, that will be all I need unless tests come back indicating I need Chemo.  I will be on Tamoxifen for a very long time (possibly forever.).

I have to start thinking about if I want to keep my lady parts.  Regardless of the Tamoxifen.

I can still have coffee and a drink if I would like!!!  (for the time being.)

That's all I got for now.


  1. You are a rockstar. I am thinking of you Cora, sending strength and healing angels your way. I am not a prayer type person, but I believe in angels and although I am going through my own hell right now it is minor compared to yours, so you get all my angels for now...feel them, use them, cherish them...and know I am thinking of you and keeping you in my heart! Kat (aka KatagramStudios)
